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About The Demos

This is the page that everyone has been waiting for! In this section, users will be able to watch complete video demos showing how to extract the full power of terraglue!

Before moving on, let's clarify some things on how the demos are structured:

  • 🚀 A demo showing how to use terraglue on production mode is provided in order to give users a complete context on how to deploy their own Glue jobs in AWS through any Terraform project. The aforementioned section shows a step by step guide from project structure to calling terraglue module and the services deployed in an AWS sandbox account.
  • 🤖 A demo showing how to use terraglue on learning mode is perfect for everyone who is taking the first steps on Glue. The section shows how to use terraglue to deploy a sample Glue job with a few steps.

Choose the one that best fits for you. It's time to go ahead!

A gif from Damian Lillard in All Star game making his signature move "It's Dame Time"